Five reasons why casino games are a great addition to your next company team building event

Five reasons why casino games are a great addition to your next company team building event

Think of fun casinos and you’ll probably think of events like weddings, balls and charity fundraisers, where games like roulette and blackjack are laid on to entertain guests, but there are plenty of other gatherings where casino games can come into their own. One of those is as a team building exercise. Here’s why… It…

Filling time and making friends with a casino party on your wedding day

Filling time and making friends with a casino party on your wedding day

Over the years we have done quite a few casino parties as part of a wedding reception and, without exception, they have gone down an absolute storm. But while having the casino as part of the evening entertainment, we wanted to make a point of highlighting the benefits of running the casino games earlier, between…